How To Celebrate National BBQ Day
Table of Contents:
What and When is National BBQ Day?
What Makes BBQ a Uniquely American Pastime
How Should You Celebrate National BBQ Day?
Grab The Accessories
Try Some New Dishes
Make it a Family Tradition
Join Our Kick Ash Crew To Make National BBQ Day Even Better
Some people’s favorite holiday is Christmas because they love the thrill of ripping open presents, and others might love the romantic standby of Valentine’s Day. However, while both of these holidays are great, it’s our confident opinion that they don’t hold a candle to National BBQ Day.

Photo by Jim Chesek on Unsplash
What and When Is National BBQ Day?
You may find yourself puzzled by the idea of National BBQ Day because it’s not something that’s decorated for when you shop at your favorite big-box retailer. However, trust us, it’s a real holiday, and it happens every year on May 16.
National BBQ day is designed to celebrate this uniquely American cuisine and recognize the important role that BBQ plays in American culture. Many of us tend to think of BBQ as a uniquely 20th and 21st-century BBQ, but the truth is radically different. BBQ has a long history dating back to the Revolutionary War. One of the most popular ways to celebrate the victorious end of a war was with barbecues. Interestingly, historical evidence indicates that George Washington himself was a huge fan of barbecues.
What Makes BBQ a Uniquely American Pastime
Although you can find barbecue joints in major metropolitan areas worldwide, barbecue is a uniquely American pastime in many ways. What we love about barbecue, or should we say, one of the many things that we love about barbecue, is that it is egalitarian. Anyone can throw burgers or brats on their backyard grill, but it is also a cuisine that U.S. Presidents have enjoyed at the White House.
One of the other great things about American barbecue is that it has taken on unique regional flavors. Barbecue in Kansas City looks different than barbecue in Memphis, and they both differ dramatically from what you see in barbecues in the Upper Midwest or New England. One of the differences is in the preferred meat. Kansas City, for example, is famous for its baby back ribs. Similarly, sauces can show a huge regional variation. Some parts of the United States love tangier, sweet sauces, while others love hot sauces that have a huge kick to them. That’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to regional differences.
How Should You Celebrate National Barbecue Day?
Now that you know a little bit more about what National BBQ Day is and why barbecue is such an important part of American culture and cuisine, it’s time to consider the next step. If you’ve never celebrated this day before and you don’t know what to do, we’re going to share what you can do to celebrate on May 16th and have a Kick Ash National BBQ Day 2022.
How To Celebrate National BBQ Day 2022
Rest assured, our Kick Ash team has some great celebratory ideas for you. Below, we highlight three of our favorite ones.
#1 Grab The Accessories
Shop for some new BBQ accessories that will make this summer BBQ season your best one yet. Two of our favorite accessories are the grill drip pan and our custom-fit Kick Ash Baskets. The grill drip pan can really transform your BBQ. In fact, we believe that our drip pan guarantees that you’ll be able to make gravy that will make you the envy of your neighborhood. Also, when you add in our Kick Ash Baskets, you get an accessory that’ll make you more efficient with grill prep, clean-up, temp regulation, and overall grill maintenance.
#2 Try Some New Dishes
This year, branch out and explore some tasty side dishes. When we’re lighting up our grills, we tend to focus on our meaty main dishes — which is not a problem. However, one of our favorite parts of any great barbecue is the amazing side dishes that you can make. You might get tired of some of your old standbys like corn-on-the-cob and baked potatoes. The great news is that there are lots of outside-the-box side dishes that will give your National BBQ Day meal an additional flavor punch. One of my personal favorite side dishes is grilled zucchini and summer squash lightly charred on the grill. But, you can pick any fresh vegetable in your area of the country for a light and delicious side dish.
#3 Make it a Family Tradition
When it comes to celebrating National BBQ Day, take time to reflect on what makes barbecue special for you. The best thing about barbecue for the Romzek’s is that it is all about family and spending time together. We love long barbecues, sitting down with our kids and friends, and sharing stories. I am not exaggerating that barbecue has made us a tighter-knit family. So when you sit down to plan out your May 16th menu, think about what else you are celebrating on this day and throughout the year.

Join Our Kick Ash Crew to Make Your National Holiday Even Better
One of the best things about barbecue is sharing your love of BBQ with a community of fellow grill aficionados, and there is no better time to share this love than on May 16th. Join our Kick Ash Crew on Facebook and get access to a wide range of exclusive giveaways and recipes, and make sure to share pictures of your own celebration with your extended barbecue family. From all of us at Kick Ash Basket, have a Kick Ash National BBQ Day!